• 338 Wilhagan Road, Nashville, TN 37217

  • Harris Training Facility is open 9:00am - 8:00pm 7 days a week

    Scheduling lessons within these hours is based on instructor availability which can be seen in our app.

    If you need to schedule a lesson, earlier than 9:00 or later than 8:00, let us know and we will see if we can work it out.

  • Harris Training is an indoor facility. Your player should wear comfortable, athletic clothing such as shorts, t-shirt and sneakers or turf shoes. No cleats in the facility. Hats and helmets are the player’s choice.

  • All single lessons and packages are available on our app. You must pay for a lesson or a package prior to scheduling.

    We recommend all new customers start with our Evaluation Lesson. Learn more about our S.W.A.T.E. measurement process here.

    Once your player has completed this evaluation lesson, we have various packages to fit your budget. The more lessons you buy in a package, the more you save per lesson.

  • Lessons are good for one calendar year from the date of purchase. Each time you schedule a lesson, 1 credit is deducted from your account.

  • Currently, we do not charge a membership fee.

  • Ideally, lessons would be given 1 instructor to 1 player. However, we do have a set of 2 player packages if siblings or friends wanted to do lessons together. The maximum is 2 players per instructor. A second player can be added to any lesson for $35 if adding a player is not a regular occurrence. This fee can be paid at the time of the lesson.

  • No. Our packages are already discounted based on the number of lessons you purchase, as noted in the package pricing. Multiple players can use the same package credits, you will just move through them more quickly.

  • All Harris Training instructors are either current or former collegiate baseball players. Each instructor has their own speciality based on their experience as a player and we encourage you to schedule lessons according to your player’s recommended need.

    All instructors are trained by owner, Brian Harris, in how to engage players in lessons to maximize their improvement and collect the necessary data to show player progress.